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Noise Schedule

In Diffusion Models, the noise schedule dictates how much noise is added to the data at each time step. The noise schedule is typically defined as a function αt\alpha_t that maps a time step tt into a value αt[0,1]\alpha_t \in [0, 1]. Modular Diffusion comes with a growing set of prebuilt noise schedules.

Constant schedule

Constant noise schedule given by αt=k\alpha_t = k.


  • steps -> Number of time steps TT.
  • value -> Constant value kk.


from diffusion.schedule import Constant

schedule = Constant(1000, 0.995)


Applying Gaussian noise to an image using the Constant schedule with T=1000T=1000 and k=0.995k=0.995 in equally spaced snapshots:

Image of a dog getting noisier at a constant rate.

Linear schedule

Linear noise schedule introduced in Ho et al. (2020) computed by linearly interpolating from α0\alpha_0 to αT\alpha_T.


  • steps -> Number of time steps TT.
  • start -> Start value α0\alpha_0.
  • end -> End value αT\alpha_T.


from diffusion.schedule import Linear

schedule = Linear(1000, 0.9999, 0.98)


Applying Gaussian noise to an image using the Linear schedule with T=1000T=1000, α0=0.9999\alpha_0=0.9999 and αT=0.98\alpha_T=0.98 in equally spaced snapshots:

Image of a dog getting noisier at a linear rate.

Cosine schedule

Cosine noise schedule introduced in Nichol et al. (2021) which offers a more gradual noising process relative to the linear schedule. It is defined as αt=αˉtαˉt1\alpha_t = \frac{\bar{\alpha}_t}{\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}, where:

  • αˉt=f(t)f(0)\bar{\alpha}_t=\frac{f(t)}{f(0)}
  • f(t)=cos(t/T+s1+sπ2)ef(t) = \cos(\frac{t/T+s}{1+s} \cdot \frac{\pi}{2})^e


  • steps -> Number of time steps TT.
  • offset (default: 8e-3) -> Offset ss.
  • exponent (default: 2) -> Exponent ee.


from diffusion.schedule import Cosine

schedule = Cosine(1000)


Applying Gaussian noise to an image using the Cosine schedule with T=1000T=1000, s=8e3s=8e-3 and e=2e=2 in equally spaced snapshots:

Image of a dog getting noisier at a cosine rate.

Square root schedule

Square root noise schedule introduced in Li et al. (2022). It is defined as αt=αˉtαˉt1\alpha_t = \frac{\bar{\alpha}_t}{\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}, where αˉt=1t/T+s\bar{\alpha}_t=1-\sqrt{t/T+s}.


  • steps -> Number of time steps TT.
  • offset (default: 8e-3) -> Offset ss.


from diffusion.schedule import Sqrt

schedule = Sqrt(1000)


Applying Gaussian noise to an image using the Sqrt schedule with T=1000T=1000 and s=8e3s=8e-3 in equally spaced snapshots:

Image of a dog getting noisier at a sqrt rate.

If you spot any typo or technical imprecision, please submit an issue or pull request to the library's GitHub repository .